We’ve only got our ‘two up, two down terraced propery’ onto @timesproperty

15 Collingwod We’ve only got our ‘two up, two down terraced propery’ onto @timesproperty

We all have our favourite homeware vintage interior shops - the ones we like to rummage in. The ones whose curated style matches our own home. But what of the owners? How do they live? @15collingwood is such a shop in Northampton. It’s eclectic mix of ‘60s kitsch, sleek mid-century and bags of colour is mirrored in the home of owners Rocco and Peter.

“If I could go back in time, I’d live in italy in the 1960s…surrounded by colour and art, hanging out with all the other crazy, cats” says Rocco. His collection started with two Tretchikoff prints. “I loved the colours,” he says.

Rocco Catalano